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Stop The Cruel Orca Capture Plans!
posted on September 12, 2018

Stop The Cruel Orca Capture Plans!Re: The Cruel J50 Capture Plans!
Lifeforce had reminded NOAA and DFO that this is J50’s family who all have just went through 17 days of mourning the death of another family member? It is unimaginable that they would even consider putting this pod through it all again!
Any proposed capture plans for the orca Scarlett/J50 would be cruel and presents a high risk of harm to her, her mom Slick/J16 and her family. This is the same family that with mom Tahlequah/J35 recently mourned the loss of her baby and carried the lifeless body for 17 days. Separating Scarlett and mom Slick would cause them unimaginable suffering. It would break a precious bond between them and their lifelong family.
A capture attempt could result in injuries and drowning. There is no guarantee that J50 would even survive the heartbreak, stress and captive experiments. Then the mother and family will never have any closure. That means more grief for this suffering family if captured. Being with family, not in an alien pen with humans, is the best “medicine” for any recovery. In Nature wildlife do pass on with their families but not torn apart from them. J50 is gravely ill so let them be!
Sea World Funds Capture Plans
The young, sick orca J50 may be captured through a Sea World fund with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. Sea World setup this fund to counter public opposition to captivity resulting from the Blackfish movie. The movie exposed the cruel captures and captivity of orcas including the Lifeforce footage of the tragic life of Tillicum.
The Vancouver Aquarium business deals with Sea World included beluga insemination experiments that led to many deaths. And if their pools are ever used again to imprison cetaceans for entertainment and experiments under the guise of “rescues” it would continue the free source of sentient whales and dolphins to supply aquariums worldwide!
J50 and others must never be exploited as "untapped resources" for “research tools” in cement prisons!

Spread the Word! Spread this Petition!
Save the Orca Families Now! Enact Emergency Measures Now!

The Upcoming NOAA Meetings are in the US Only

You Can Contact the Canadian DFO at: Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson at min@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

And You Can Simply Tell NOAA: “Stop the Cruel Capture Plans for Orca J50 and Family! And No Drugs in the Salmon!” By email at KillerWhale.Help@noaa.gov

More information at Lifeforce Ocean Friends: LIFEFORCE OCEAN FRIENDS.

New Release Update
September 13, 2018
Re: The Cruel J50 Capture Plans!
Sea World Involvement in Capture Plans
The young, sick orca J50 may be captured through a Sea World fund with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. Sea World setup this fund to counter public opposition to captivity resulting from the Blackfish movie. The movie exposed the cruel captures and captivity of orcas including the Lifeforce footage of the tragic life of Tillicum. A Sea World veterinarian has been part of the team advising what should be done with J50.
The Vancouver Aquarium business deals with Sea World included beluga insemination experiments that led to many deaths. And if their pools are ever used again to imprison cetaceans for entertainment and experiments under the guise of “rescues” it would continue the free source of sentient whales and dolphins to supply aquariums worldwide!
J50 and others must never be exploited as "untapped resources" for “research tools” and so called entertainment in cement prisons!
Seattle Times September 13
Ralph Munro, former secretary of state for Washington, helped stop the capture era after witnessing a roundup of orcas in Budd Inlet. ...“Having personally seen the stress of taking a whale from the pod, I think that they might be better to let nature take its course,” Munro said in an email. “It is terribly traumatic on the whale and the pod when they are separated.” He also questioned the participation of SeaWorld in the response plan for J50. A SeaWorld veterinarian is part of the team advising the effort, and SeaWorld is also helping to fund some of the killer-whale research undertaken by NOAAA “What the heck is NOAA doing, accepting money from Sea World over the past few years? Was that ever told to the public?” Munro said. https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/environment/noaa-lays-plan-to-capture-ailing-orca-j50-announces-public-meetings/