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Lifeforce In The Wild Since The 90s
posted on April 26, 2023

Lifeforce In The Wild Since The 90s

Orcas and other Marine Life Must Not Be Mistreated Like “Lab” Animals! (Part 1 of 2)

In April, 2021 it was revealed that a Grey whale has been suffering from a major infection due to being shot with a tracking dart called “satellite tags”. This was a joint study between the U.S. and Canada to track already known routes. The Vancouver Aquarium vet then shot the whale with antibiotics. There can be unknown side effects such as extreme sickness and death.
In 2016 an endangered orca in L pod died from infection from these types of experiments five weeks after being “tagged”. At that time two Transient orcas were believed to have also died. There were also 12 others with parts of old “tags” in them. In addition, Right whales had swelling from infections and “dolphins” have died during “handling” to attach tags. Other research victims include Humpback whales.
A lot of harm from various types of experiments has been caused for decades. Researchers admit that it is always a "risk".

History of Marine Wildlife Experiments and Vivisection
In the 90s Lifeforce discovered that the public was not aware of the research industry’s barbaric, scientifically fallacious “studies” of sentient marine wildlife in captivity and the wild.

First Unplanned Orca Experiment!
In 1964 the Vancouver Aquarium tried to harpoon a Southern Resident Killer Whale (SRKW) for a Sculpture’s “model” but the orca survived and was towed by the harpoon rope back to Vancouver Harbour. It could be said that, in fact, this was the first orca to be experimented on. “Moby Doll” was not a female but a male and they did not know what orcas ate. They tried live and dead chickens and seals, horsemeat and a variety of other possible food. This orca died after 86 days but helped start the aquarium entertainment industry. Aquariums then took 68 orcas and killed others during the captures.
The Vancouver Aquarium support included Pat McGeer, UBC researcher/ BC Education Minister, who built his career on a mountain of dead rats, cats, and monkeys. He did his experiments at the UBC Kinsmen Laboratory of Neurological Science. They implanted electrodes into the brains of animals, repeatedly shocked them to try to induce convulsions, and restrained monkeys for months in epilepsy experiments. Even the head UBC researcher admitted that they found major differences between animal species and the only reliable way to find cures in “man” is to study “man”. (Note: Lifeforce did manage to expose these atrocities over the years.)

“Rescued” and captured sea lions and seals are used in shows and experiments at the Vancouver Aquarium. Researchers have also experimented with implanted data loggers etc.. In sea lions that caused major infections. In addition, issues with attaching equipment on heads and bodies for decades was eventually found to cause major increased energy needs. Lifeforce proved that these instrument packs on pinniped impedes natural behaviours and invalidate studies looking at prey consumption and energy requirements! UBC researchers at the Vancouver Aquarium later agreed that energy needs were increased significantly.

To Be Continued...
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